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Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction within ISO ensures that products and services are up to the correct quality standards for customers. Satisfaction is monitored, documented, reviewed and analyzed in order to take corrective action in the event that customer requirements are not being met.

THow Does ISO 9001 Define Customer Satisfaction?

The purpose of the Customer Satisfaction procedure is to describe the methods for measuring, monitoring and interpreting customer feedback to determine whether the organization is meeting customer requirements.

The ISO 9001 Customer Satisfaction Procedure

The purpose of the Customer Satisfaction procedure is to describe the methods for measuring, monitoring and interpreting customer feedback to determine whether the organization is meeting customer requirements.

You recognize that the customer feedback process has important links and interfaces between other management system process that include, but a re not limited to; customer communication, design and development validation, design and development changes and process validation.

Like any type of business, you always want to keep your customers happy. So, it is essential to have a Customer Satisfaction clause in your ISO 9001 quality management system.

Why is Customer Satisfaction Important?

This might seem like a stupid question, but there are many reasons. Think about it - what is the most important reason for your business?

Customer satisfaction is important for companies on any level and in any industry, for the simple reason that customers keep cash flowing through a business. In order to be successful in the world of business, a loyal customer base must be established early on.

This is achieved by satisfying the customers, which will keep them coming back and spending money with the business. ISO 9001 provides specific guidelines on how to uphold these standards to keep satisfying customers and improving the inner workings of the business on a regular basis.

The list below will give you a good idea of what the customer satisfaction process should look like in a company.

Identify what indicates customer satisfaction

Estimate start and completion date

Find a method of collecting customer data

Document data correctly

Frequently review documented data

Create solutions for improving customer satisfaction

Clearly define responsibility

Devise a plan for following up with customer satisfaction

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